Via this Internet site, the user can select the documents that are available and fill in a purchase order for oil wells. A selection can only be made based on the drilling log sheet, and is not currently possible for groups of wells. To obtain seismic data, please send a list of the selected seismic lines by e-mail, and a cost estimate for the data delivery will then drawn up in response to your request.
These procedures are given in detail below:
Well data
You can consult the drilling data sheets in two different ways, by entering the well name, the administrative reference number or its abbreviation (option 1) or according to the geographical area (option 2). Here are the steps to follow:
Option 1:
- Go to the “Data access” menu.
- Select well by entering its administrative number (BEPH code), its abbreviation or its name in the section “Direct access to drilling data sheet”.
Option 2:
- Go to the “Map viewer” menu and use the localization tab (see user help screen) to find well via its commune, department, and region, map co-ordinates, administrative number (BEPH code) or name.
- Or go to the “Data access” menu, and click on the region or targeted DROM-COM, using the detailed map.
- Use the functionality for interrogation of deposits (see user help screen) to select well and drilling data sheet (the acronyms for the wells are displayed for scales greater than 1/500 000).
- Click on the documents you require from the drilling data sheet (well completion report, basic composite log, well logs, etc.), and then click on “Display order basket” when you have finished your selection or “Add another well”.
- When you have finished your selection, fill in the “customer Information” form and then “validate”.
- The purchase order and associated agreement of terms are generated automatically in printer-ready form.
- After signing the documents, send them by mail and by e-mail (
- The data will be sent to you by Internet, via a protected remote download site.
Seismic data
With this feature, you can only visualize the location of the seismic lines and their associated metadata. This can be done as follows:
- Go to the “Map viewer” menu
- Select seismic line (use “i” information icon) to visualize the metadata
- Send an e-mail with your list of seismic lines of interest ( and a personalized cost estimate will be sent back to you.
Note: the data access portal can only provide the field data for seismic lines (raw data). It does not possess data that has been processed by the operator, since these are the property of the operator and remain confidential.
You can contact the STC carotheque located in Boussens.
ZI d'Estarac
31360 BOUSSENS France
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 61 90 07 08
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 90 19 99
Link :
You can e-mail us at the following address :
Dernière mise à jour le 14.06.2017