General presentation
Welcome to Minergies, the French portal for subsurface energy resources (hydrocarbons, high-temperature geothermal energy, and underground storage)
This website provides a tool for obtaining access to subsurface data collected from operators.
As an initiative of the Ministry in charge of mines, this portal is intended for the use of institutional and economic stakeholders at all levels as well as the general public.
Book IV of the French mining code provides for the collection and dissemination of samples, data, documents and information relating to the exploration and production of energy resources on French territory.
The Minergies portal is being launched in April 2017, providing access to a range of updated contents, documentary resources and an innovative cartography viewer. It offers users the possibility of consulting data in relation to energy resources and their regulatory framework.
Latest data base update : September 2019
Dernière mise à jour le 22.10.2019